Monday 24 March 2014

Chiropractic Treatment For Slipped Disc

The way of life of the people is changing rapidly which is the cause of stress and apprehension. They are so much engrossed in their busy schedule that they hardly get time for themselves. Consequently certain health problems like fatigue, backache, joint pain, arthritis, neck pain, muscle disorders and joint injuries are very common these days. Due to sedentary lifestyle some people are more susceptible to disc or back problems than others.

A slipped disc occurs when the circle of the connective tissue surrounding the disc breaks down. As a result this allows soft gel like part of the disc to swell and protrude out. A slipped disc can be extremely painful and often need good medical treatment or chiropractic care. However, the symptoms and signs of slipped disc may include severe back pain, radiating pain down to the legs or numbness or tingling in an arm or leg. The risk factors of slipped disc may include obesity, poor muscle tone, lack of exercise, poor posture, advancing age etc.

Some people use painkillers, muscle relaxants or injections to reduce the pain which help only for short time. A chiropractic treatment is best known for curing slipped disc and its symptoms. Having your spine manipulated by a trained chiropractor can easily help to cure pain caused by slipped disc. The chiropractic treatment is valuable for patients suffering from slipped disc as they treat without any medicine and uses massage therapy and certain exercises for strengthening the muscles without putting any strain on your back.

Alan M. Tebby, D.C.

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