Wednesday 13 November 2013

Disc Herniation, Its Causes And Treatment

Are you among those people who are suffering from continuous back pain, weakness in legs and abnormal lower part functioning? If yes, then you might have problem of disc herniation. We all have heard about slip disc or herniation, but many of us don’t know exactly what it is, how it is caused and cured. There
are 24 vertebrae in the spine which are separated with soft cartilage called disc, allow the movement of backbone while bending and twisting. These discs play important role to maintain the flexibility of the body, but if they got damage or bulge out, it create the problem of herniation. Mostly, disc herniation occurs in lower back and neck area leads to sever pain and problems while bending.

Causes of disc herniation: There are two basic reasons for slip disc which are more often found in people. First and very common reason is excessive stress and strain on back. It occurred due to improper sitting, bad posture, excess weight lifting, poor work station ergonomics and many other reasons that involved back strain. The other reason leads to herniation is injury due to any physical work or accidents. Increasing age is also another factor for disc problems because elasticity reduces with the age leads to damage of spine.

Treatment: There are different ways that help you to get rid from back pain. The best and safest way is chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors help you to find out the problematic areas and suggest the best treatment include change in life style, diet plan and physic therapy. If the Herniation is at initial stage it can be treated with proper rest and few changes in life style and diet. But when there is more damage regular visit to chiropractor is necessary in order to adjust it properly.  If you are seeking spinal disc problems treatment in Charlotte then visiting your chiropractors is the best option to get your spine at the right place. 

Author Info:  Dr. Alan Tebby, D.C.

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